About Us


SMART LEARN ABACUS is a child development program based on Visual Arithmetic and Abacus that boosts brainpower in children aged 6-14 years. Along with strengthening math skills, the Skill Smart Learn Abacus approach promotes whole brain development and establishes foundational building blocks like memory, concentration, creativity and problem solving – core skills that inspire greater confidence and success in all subject areas and in life.
Smart Learn Abacus institute equips them with the skills they need to improve overall academic achievement and to confidently meet life’s challenges and achieve greatness.

What is SmartLearnAbacus ?

Abacus is one of the most popular calculating methods from ancient times and till now. Many countries are incorporating abacus program in the school curriculum.

We offer a wide variety of courses and certificates in a fraction of the time.

How does Abacus help a child?

Smart Learn Abacus gives children visualization skill and photographic memory.

Smart Learn Abacus training helps children to develop a photographic memory. They also develop their capability to recall whole chunks of information through abacus training.

Smart Learn Abacus helps your child improve their understanding of Mathematics and gives them the confidence to solve Mathematics.

Why is the abacus so important?

Smart Learn Abacus is vital in many aspects. It improves and boosts the memory of a child, also enhances the logical ability of a child.

It helps to improve the concentration of a child as it involves understanding the relationship between variables and formulas.