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SMART LEARN ABACUS is a child development program based on Visual Arithmetic and Abacus that boosts brainpower in children aged 6-14 years. Along with strengthening math skills, the Skill Smart Learn Abacus approach promotes whole brain development and establishes foundational building blocks like memory, concentration, creativity and problem solving – core skills that inspire greater confidence and success in all subject areas and in life.
Smart Learn Abacus institute equips them with the skills they need to improve overall academic achievement and to confidently meet life’s challenges and achieve greatness.

Benefits of SmartLearnAbacus

Children do fast calculations in mind by visualizing Smart Learn Abacus bead movements. Researches prove that an Abacus learner uses both sides of the brain- left hemisphere & right hemisphere to gain more. It is highly effective in improving the concentration and memory level of children.
Abacus training not only improvises the mathematical calculation ability but also results in the development of the following brain functions- Comprehend, Concentration, Confidence Boost, Creativity, Information processing and integration (thru’ improved Visualization skills), Memory retention, Reading and listening speeds.
The Smart Learn Abacus can be used to perform addition, subtraction, division and multiplication; the abacus can also be used to extract square-roots and cubic roots.
The beads are manipulated with either the index finger or the thumb of both the hands.
What is Abacus?
Abacus is one of the most popular calculating methods from ancient times and till now. Many countries are incorporating abacus program in the school curriculum.
Benefits of Abacus
Children do fast calculations in mind by visualizing Smart Learn Abacus bead movements. Researches prove that an Abacus learner uses both sides of the brain- left hemisphere & right hemisphere to gain more. It is highly effective in improving the concentration and memory level of children.
Abacus training not only improvises the mathematical calculation ability but also results in the development of the following brain functions- Comprehend, Concentration, Confidence Boost, Creativity, Information processing and integration (thru’ improved Visualization skills), Memory retention, Reading and listening speeds.
The Smart Learn Abacus can be used to perform addition, subtraction, division and multiplication; the abacus can also be used to extract square-roots and cubic roots.
The beads are manipulated with either the index finger or the thumb of both the hands.
How to use Abacus for kids?
A calculation based on abacus was invented at ancient times and now widely used a whole-brain development program. It consists of a rectangular frame holding some vertically arranged rods, on which beads slide down and up.
Why is the abacus so important?
Smart Learn Abacus is vital in many aspects. It improves and boosts the memory of a child, also enhances the logical ability of a child.
It helps to improve the concentration of a child as it involves understanding the relationship between variables and formulas.
How does Abacus help a child?
Smart Learn Abacus gives children visualization skill and photographic memory.
Smart Learn Abacus training helps children to develop a photographic memory. They also develop their capability to recall whole chunks of information through abacus training.
Smart Learn Abacus helps your child improve their understanding of Mathematics and gives them the confidence to solve Mathematics.
Mental Arithmetic Boosts Child’s Confidence
‘Mental Arithmetic’ is a term used in Abacus for the calculations done in mind, any child can do within a few months of Smart Learn Abacus training.
Mind calculation enhances the concentration level of the child. Research proves that ‘Mental arithmetic’ improves a student’s imagination skill. Even large numbers can be calculated in mind, that too within seconds, any Smart Learn Abacus student can do within a few months of abacus classes.
It is highly effective in cracking any competitive like Mathematics Olympiads, KVPY, NTSE, Science Olympiads & many more time-based tests with speed and accuracy.